
Who Made This?:

My name is Brian Sain and I like to write code. I tend to get projects stuck in my head, so I used this website as an opportunity to share the coding technologies that I love and to start doing livestreams. This is a simple survey tool where anyone can create surveys and anyone can vote on them. That's it. No personal data is needed or recorded and I don't care about tracking anyone. The only cookies and information we keep is for the benefit of the user, never to the detrement. I don't care about tracking anyone and I really don't want ads on this website. This is the first of many potential side projects I'll be releasing. I'll keep everything as transparent as possible.


Crowd Query uses a range of open-source technolgies, and this code base is 100% open-source as well. I started creating it to livestream and share my experience, but my desktop died so I had to stop livestreaming for now. Here's the technologies and architecture I used.

  • Akka .Net
  • Akka.Persistence
  • Akka.Cluster
  • Akka.Streams
  • Akkatecture
  • Blazor
  • Mudblazor
  • Event Sourcing
  • Projections

The coolest part is that CrowdQuery does not have an API at all. With Blazor, websockets connect the client and the server and the state is updated via SignalR and websockets. The code can be found here if you're into that:


Honestly, I can't fully sustain this website forever, and I really don't want ads at all, ever. I tried cutting costs as much as I can, but I do need some help. I'm accepting donations via the following links to help with hosting fees. Ko-Fi is a great platform that accepts most types of payments.eate a new page that will help track how much is received and where the money is going. I want to be as open and transparent and I can. If you're technically inclined, there's also some crypto wallets you can send coins to. If there is a way that you'd like to donate that is not currently available, please let me know and I'll look into adding it. 100% of the donations will go towards the site and its development.

Ko-Fi Donation Logo
Bitcoin Wallet Address Bitcoin Wallet Address: 3FH8MWt1Fh7aU5yUZ8z6ZnyzsMbPNKfV1S
Etherium Wallet Address Etherium Wallet Address: 0xD916c35163AB90b1A81103fD49022057e6B6C70D
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